Thursday, August 7, 2008

Taking it one day at a time!

Hello all. I know I know..... I didn't update in July. We have been crazy busy! Our summer has been great. We received some wonderful news.....Scott made Chief! We are soooo proud of him. I am beyond excited for him. We met when he was an E-1 and have had a long journey. Just to know he has acheived a goal we have worked so hard toward makes me so happy. Congratulations honey! As you would guess we are very busy and are planning so much in the next month or 2. Hmmm..... where should I start??? Anthony has completed his summer job at Dollywood. We are still trying to finish all the paperwork for admission to ETSU. Cross your fingers! On the 8th he is headed our way to visit. i am so happy to see him. I wish he could stay longer he has to leave on the 12th. Overall he is doing well and still loving Younglife. Austin has started drum lessons and is really good. We found a used drum set for the time being. We hope to get a nicer one for Christmas. We sent him to New orleans for 3 weeks to visit grandma and grandpa. Skip took Austin and Nick to Saints camp to watch them practice. He was in hog heaven! He got home on the 5th and started Tackle football on the 7th. Man oh man is he loving it. We went to his 1st practice yesterday and let me just say he is really sore. They will will practice 3 days a week for 2 hrs. So between football, drums, and school he will be a very busy kid. We did get some bad news while he was in N.O. My dad went into the hospital. He has been there 7 days now and I am really concerned. They diagnosed him with Pneumonia finally. However they also discovered a carotid artery. The doctor wants to do surgery versus a stint. We are praying he will be well soon. By the way if you talk to him don't let him fool says he is just fine. I know he wants out of that hospital. I can't really blame him. I just want him better. If all goes well my brother will be driving up very soon to help me out around here. We have sceduled the c-section for August 28th. Her birthday will be 8-28-08. Which leads me to my next topic....obviously I can't have a traditional shower. So we decided on a virtual shower. Due to recent events we are slower at getting the word out. I'm sure everyone understands. Most of you will be receiving an email with information. I wish I could see everyone and will as soon as I come to visit. We are registered at and . Just type my name in and it should come up. We are looking forward to the due date. I can't wait to meet her. She is so active in my belly. I couldn't believe she had the hiccups the other day. I am ok for the most part. I get the usual aches and pains. We are expecting my mom and dad on or around the 23rd. I can't wait to see them. I know they are counting down the days. If things go as planned mom and Skip will head back in early Sept and dad will stay for Scott's pinning ceremony. Mom and dad Croucher will head this way to meet their grand baby on Sept 15th and stay through Oct 16th. And of course be here for the pinning ceremony. I know they have been going to the doc quite a bit. Mom had a Basel cell cancer removed from her leg for the second time. It really hurt, but at least it came back ok. Dad also has a corroded artery and will have surgery on the 21st. Recovery time is 3 weeks so it should work out ok. I wish everyone could snap their fingers and make all the bad stuff go away. We were hoping Donna and Brittany would make it up here. I know she is so busy I'm not sure that they will. We have been having horrible car trouble and think we are going to have to get new car in Sept. It really stinks we just paid the truck off. Angie....if you see this email me please. You sent an email to scott, he forwarded to me and now I don't have a way to reply to you. Miss you. Robin.... thank you for the kind words....I wish I could see you guys. I'm sure I left somethings out. I will update as soon as I can. Take care!
Of course I forgot to mention I haven't been able to take pictures lately. If you could send me pics I would love it! I can copy them to the blog. Just email me whatever you would like to share. I also want to say thank you to everyone who is trying so hard to make the arrival of the baby so special. Mom, Nan, Aunt Linda, mom and dad Croucher.... I love you!!! I received an email from my mom this morning in regards to my dad. I copied it and will paste it below so you will have the whole story.......

I'm sorry for this being slow to get to everyone but have been busy with my little part time job and evenings at the hospital.
Sunday a week ago Lee went to bed with a cold and pretty much stayed there for the next two days. He was hardly eating or drinking but continued his med's and was taking Alka Selzer Cold Plus. Tuesday night I heard a thump turned on the light and found him on the floor. He kept telling me he was alright. He still does not remember falling. The morning after he fell I called the Doctor, they spoke to him and determined I should call 911. He was transferred to St. Tammany Hospital and began a barrage of tests. They were giving him antibiotics, breathing treatments, did several X-rays, blood work and any thing else they could think of to isolate the problem. It was determined that he has 75% to 80% on left side and about 60% in the right. They did a CT scan and found the pneumonia in a quadrant not visible on X-ray. His med's were changed and appear to be working. They need to do surgery on his neck but have to wait until the pneumonia was cleared before surgery. Yesterday morning he started having chest pains. They applied Nitro patches, gave him some new medicine in his IV and last night a Doctor told us he would be going home today. I asked about the pains and he kind of blew it off. Today the Cardiac Doctor told him he had a mild heart attack yesterday morning and would not be going home. Since he had eaten this am they could only do half of a stress test and will do the other half tomorrow. He is really down knowing his stay will be at least a couple of days longer. We had been preparing to go to Maryland for the birth of our grand-daughter on 08-28-08 and now have everyting on hold. The test will determine the next course of action. Any prayers will surely be appreciated.

Love, Dee

July Birthdays.....

July 11th......Nick Gilbert
July 13th......Skip Sutton
Wes Croucher
July 26th......Julie Gilbert

August Birthdays....

August 1st.....Joe "Honey" Gilbert
August 9th.....Eddie Croucher
August 15th....Elena Croucher
August 16th....Ryan Carroll


August 30th....Maw Maw and Paw Paw (we miss you!)


Grandma Dee said...

Love to read your updates. Having Austin visit was beyond wonderful! He is a fine young man and we are very proud of him. He has been drumming on anything he could ever since he was a couple of years old. It is wonderful that he is finally taking lessons for something he loves. Football..Drums..don't know which one he loves the most. I hope in the not to distant future Pam, Scott, Anthony and Austin can agree on a name for our new grand-daughter. Adalyn Elizabeth is my suggestion, grandpa says Bobbie and Honey wants Chyanne. I guess we will know one day soon. Ed, good luck with your surgery and Chris am glad the results were negative. Love to all, Grandma Dee

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

hmm, well somehow i deleted my own comment. anyway what i had said was...
i know...i suck. i'm emailing you right now, well not right now but after i post this comment. honest.

which, now that i had to retype my comment, is going to delay the email even more. and by the way, Miss Dee (I love you), Pam, Scott, Anthony and Austin if you need an A name for the baby I think she should be named after me. Especially since i haven't been there for Pam to be mean to:)

Anonymous said...

Well, First off! Congrats to Scott :) Let him know we're proud of him!

Also, my birthday is 4 days before the baby's will be (8-24). So that's pretty cool :)

I miss you guys. Hope you're doing well! TTYL <3

pez*dispenser said...

Well, First off! Congrats to Scott :) Let him know we're proud of him!

Also, my birthday is 4 days before the baby's will be (8-24). So that's pretty cool :)

I miss you guys. Hope you're doing well! TTYL <3