Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We have several exciting announcements....

Wow...I'm not sure how I'm going to post everything in order. I have so many pictures that you all will have to scroll all the way down. We have had such an eventful summer! Austin started attending middle school this year at Margaret Brent.
I have to say he was very nervous his first day. Things went great and he loves school. We started tackle football and drum lessons. Austin is #78. We are quite busy during the week. Anthony has started ETSU. We are so super excited for him. He really likes school and worked hard to get there. Anthony was able to come to meet his baby sister and pin his dad. I wish we lived closer to him. We welcomed the newest member of our family on 8-28-08. Katelyn Renee Croucher was born at 8:32am she was 6lb 15.7oz and 19.6 in long. We had her at Malcomn Grow on Andrews AFB. We found out her cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times. I was so thankful to know she was a very healthy baby. My brother Skip came to help with everything and I want to thank him! I want to thank everyone again for the wonderful gifts we recieved. My parents came for the birth and Scott's parents came shortly after. We are so happy everyone could make it. I know they wouldn't miss it for the world! We arrived home and started recovering slowly. We tried breast feeding for about 5 days and had to stop. Katelyn had lost 7% of her body weight. We really wanted it to work out. I think she is happy with the bottles and now everyone can take turns feeding her. I don't know what I would have done had her grandmas not been here. I am proud to report she is a happy baby. She likes to sit in her boppy(thanks Kim)and watch everything. We took her to her first football game and she has been to a crab dinner. I can't believe how alert and strong she is. I love the cute faces she makes. When things get back to normal my plan is to post every other day if not daily. Now....I have awesome news....Scott was pinned on 9-20-08!!!!! We are SOOOOO proud of him! It has been a trying, long, exhausting summer.....worth every second of it. I can't explain in words the feeling I had when I saw him for the first time in his Khaki uniform. I know he was exhausted and overwhelmed, but elated and proud at the same time. I want to thank Stacey Allen (our sponsor) for being there for us. We will never be able to repay you. I also want to thank Wes (Scott's brother) I am so glad you were able to make it. I know it meant the world to Scott. I will treasure the whole summer and will never forget it. I know Scott CAN'T ever forget it. I really have so much more to say but my daughter is hungry. I will give more detail later. I will close with this...Grandpas.....You both looked amazing and HOO YAH NAVY!!! They will know what that means....